Monday, June 27, 2005

Dennis Rader – murderer extraordinaire He masturbated over the crime scene. And they call me kinky. This man not only kills a minimum of 10 people in the Wichita area, but describes it in detail without blinking an eyelash. He is the BTK Killer, and a really f**ked up person. I don’t even think the word sick fits….How is it that a person like this is created? How does a man, a father of two grown children and a wife get to a point where their “need” etc crosses the line to reality? How is it that he can do it with 10+ people and keep on trekking? Rader must want to die, or is he proud? What makes him tick? How does he come off explaining how he put a bag over the person’s head and ….Interestingly he, tell each victim he has a sexual problem!!! Before he …. He must like proving himself. Or need to . I truly believe you can identify much future behavior in small children. Letting them play especially with dolls and recreating life, working through it in their play and observing them is very helpful…problem is most parents (usually mom) are so full of their vision of themselves or so busy with what they are doing they are not there for their child. Mostly trying to control them or live through them and then feeling guilty so not being a parent, and certainly not a role model. There are so many children in need in this world. On TV you see pictures of hungry children, but where are the pictures of the emotionally hungry children? Who is paying attention to the child who is in a ball inside scared and crying for help??????? A woman I know is a friend of a friend. I saw how she yelled at the child of only 2 and treated her as if she should know the stuff of a 30 y.o. Over a period of about a year I watched how this child changed emotionally. How when another child came to visit (a sweet 2 and half year old that is living in a loving household…so emotionally healthy) Little girl #1 was abusive and ornery to little girl #2!!! She yelled at her, grabbed at her and hit her. I had talked with my client at least 3x of how the behavior was abuse and that the mother was being abusive. At the time I could not afford to loose the client, as soon as I was able to quit I called the police, and CPS. The bottom line is they really can’t do anything. They need numerous reports etc. So, then I had to make friends with the neighbor…and finally the neighbor called the police the next time their was “trouble” at the house! Sheeesh…if it took that much on my part…no wonder nothing happens! In DETAIL…wake up America. There are “bad” people out there. Some of them are stalking…or trolling as this guy put it. They identify you before they “DO IT” The problem is even worse as we get older….for older is seen as vulnerable. Yet, as we age we seem to become more recluse. We cannot afford to allow ourselves the luxury of reclusion. We must have friends, we must know our neighbors….and I at least believe we must do even more. I check the child molester and other lists on the internet. I read the paper etc. Why? To know what is going on in my hood. I also believe in learning methods of protection, and owning dogs!
Bottom line is if you are reading this you know how to use the internet…so use it. Find out what programs are available and in your area. You can stand up. You can have alarms put on your house. Remember how we all laughed about “I’ve fallen and can’t get up”? Well, you could use one of those pretty easily…but do it. Don’t think I will start thinking about this tomorrow…tomorrow may be too late.!!!! And …maybe I am so adamant about this because I myself am kinky…but kinky is not morosely sick and homicidal. People who practice SM wind up suffering when these kinds of things hit the media. We SM’ers are not these people. We do what we do with consent. We agree to what we are doing and are doing these things without lifelong repercussions….as in death!!! So…I suppose the whole idea is to think about who we are. How we move in the world, and what needs to happen to be safe, sane and practice consensuality. I was watching where women were talking about being abducted I worked at a nursing home about a year ago. When one of the nurses was stalked I gave her my pepper spray. I talked the administration into offering self defense classes for free….no one signed up!!! Talking about this stuff…now when it is in the news will help raise awareness. It is an opportunity for all of us to deal with reality. It is your time to WAKE UP !!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


For all the wonderful smers out there. I recently was approached a woman who was interested in a “situation” with me. Unfortunately she wanted more than I am able to give at this time.

The interaction made me realize I need to let everyone know. So…that is what I am doing. Till further notice I am on a spiritual quest and will be consumed by it for at least 3 mos!