Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Giving the Gift

YOU are a Gift

When you give yourself to me as a gift.  When you call yourself bottom or submissive and want me to be there to receive this gift… think about:

  1. Why am I doing this?

  2. What is my true motivation?

  3. For how long do I “really” want to do this?

  4. What exactly are my limits?

  5. Who will I talk with afterwards that I can trust not to “tell”

  6. Have I revised my “YES NO MAYBE LIST”?

  7. Have I changed vitamins, or medications?

  8. Where is my head at?

While thinking about giving a gift to me of this type, it is crucial you are clear about these questions in order for it to truly be a gift.

Many “THINK” they want to submit or bottom, but when it really comes down to it, have not thought it through.  Of course you are doing this because it gives you pleasure, but even that has to be examined in order for you and I to enjoy ourselves!

How hotttt and how intense is directly related to these questions!!!!!

Saturday, March 18, 2006


I am responsible for my existence.
I am responsible for the achievement of my desires.
I am responsible for the level of consciousness.
I bring to my work and other activities.
I am responsible for the level of consciousness.
I bring to my relationships.
I am responsible for my behavior with other people.
I am responsible for how I 0rioritize my time.
I am responsible for my personal happiness.
I am responsible of choosing or accepting the values by which I live.
I am responsible for raising my self-esteem; no one else can give me self-esteem.


* I don’t know who wrote it, but I likes it!