Monday, April 11, 2005

MATES As in playmates, lifemates, i.e. relationships

It is amazing how our family of origin will affect our daily lives. We think, “I don’t want to be my mother” and before the thought has been completed we are doing exactly what our mother would do.

Or is it our father?

WE are who our role models were. It is a skill to find like-minded individuals on this life path. That is what the yes, no, maybe list is about…you know communication.

To match up. To find out where there is common ground. We meet and if we find the other attractive, our thoughts go to how this person could possibly fit into our lives. Will they be a part of our daily routine? Or, what common interests do they have. In this case, what kink do we have?

If it is at a play party, it can be a quickie. I was at a workshop once with the Outcasts. A woman passed out 3x5 cards and we all put our fantasy on it. Within moments we were all hooked up with a potential playmate.

What I am trying to say is that it does not have to be a lover it is about creating the fantasy…we are each other’s tools.!!!
If there is more common ground…fabulous. If not, lets enjoy what we do have!


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