Saturday, February 05, 2005


1. Take the time to find out enough about me to establish a relationship of some sort…even a mini relationship….Then when you connect with me tell me of what you are interested in. Then mail me your fantasy, and after that we will talk.
2. Just because I talk with you does not mean I will see you.
3. Ask how I would like to be addressed!
4. If I do decide to give you attention, please be fastidious about your personal hygiene.
5. Be sure you have clarification on anything you might be concerned about, at least 3 days before we get together.

Realize this is “play”, I am an expert at what I do, the feelings I invoke are not real, you will feel love…that does not mean I am “in love”. I do not fall in love easily and if I do I am polyamerous!If you get it in your head that you want me for more than occasional play, you will have to earn it. You never have permission to interfere in any way in my dream.


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